Thursday 14 April 2011

The magical health benefits of Cocoa (plus delicious drink recipe)

Cocoa contains:

Vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, C.
Good for all aspects of health

Good for high blood pressure and prevention of strokes

Dietary fibre
Anti-obesity, laxative

Mood elevator

Antioxidants, anti cancer, anti diabetes, premature aging.

Anti stress, anti depressant.


You will need:

Spoonful of cocoa
two or three spoonfuls of honey
(you may have to experiment with the right combination)
Stir into mug with hot/boiling water.

Healthy Hot Chocolate!!

The Hot chocolate you buy in the shops is heavily processed and has no nutritional value, it also often contains whey powder which will make you put on weight and can cause swelling over your entire body.
Whey powder is in most packaged foods now, is highly addictive and my advice is to avoid it.
To you health and wealth....

'Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food'