Monday 5 September 2011


After four months of walking past market stalls of stinky, weird, spiky looking durian I finally plucked up the courage to try this mysterious fruit. At first I wasn't too impressed and I didn't like the creamy texture... But something had me coming back for more and after a few weeks I was totally hooked. There is nothing else in the world quite like Durian...

Durian is known as 'The King of Fruits' here in Asia.

  • Durian is extremely nutritious because it is rich in vitamin B, C and E and with high iron content. Eating durian is alleged to restore the health of ailing humans and animals.
  • A preparation from its roots and leaves is prescribed by traditional doctors for fevers and jaundice.
  • Decoctions of the leaves and fruits are applied to swellings and skin diseases.
  • Durian fruit helps lower cholesterol.
  • Durian is a strong blood cleanser.
  • The ash of the burned rind is taken after childbirth.
  • Durian contains high levels of the amino acid tryptophan, known to alleviate anxiety, depression, and insomnia, and create feelings of happiness, by raising levels of serotonin in the brain
  • Durian contains high level of soft protein which makes it a good muscle builder.
  • Durian has a reputation as a powerful aphrodisiac.
  • Durian is recommended as a good source of raw fats.

Sunday 1 May 2011

Coconut oil

‘We live in an era where people have realised that artificial diets and chemical treatments for the skin, hair and body are not as effective as natural methods. The resurgence in the popularity of coconut oil as a moisturiser attests to this. My experience has clearly demonstrated to me that the phenomenal moisturizing properties of organic cold pressed coconut oil on the skin cannot be matched by any complicated chemical moisturiser.’

‘As we become what we eat, we find that heavy meals of cooked animal protein and fat make the tissue dense and coarse.’

–David Wolfe.

‘Cooked oil is the largest cause of free radical damage in the human body. Free radical damage has come to be regarded as the primary cause of aging.’

- Dr.Denham Harman

Free radicals are molecules of oxygen that have an unpaired  electron therefore they are highly unstable and highly reactive. Some examples of these are cigarette smoke, air pollution, excessive sun exposure and the natural breakdown of tisssues. Free radicals in the body steal electrons from the healthy parts causing damage, aging and producing more free radicals, gradually speeding up aging and degeneration of tissue and cells and can ultimately be the cause of diseases such as cancer.

Heated oils are something you should avoid if you want to feel healthier, loose weight, avoid illness and live longer. Coconut oil is the only oil that keeps its nutritional value once heated and can be heated to a very high temperature Unlike other oils it is completely digestible and highly nutritious. Use it for baking, cooking and frying, but ultimately take advantage of its raw properties; there are reports that a small spoonful a day can help speed up weight loss and can curb sugar cravings; try it as a substitute for butter or margarine.

Coconut oil is also said to be ‘the best’ moisturiser for your skin, 100% natural and organic; use it as a moisturiser on your skin and a conditioning mask for ‘tv advert’ hair.

A jar can be quite pricey if you are on a budget but it lasts a long time and is an all round cooking and beauty product of the highest quality.  You only need small amounts…(Unless you follow my recipe for flapjack or granola which requires a bit more J).

This product is highly recommended!

Thursday 14 April 2011

The magical health benefits of Cocoa (plus delicious drink recipe)

Cocoa contains:

Vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, C.
Good for all aspects of health

Good for high blood pressure and prevention of strokes

Dietary fibre
Anti-obesity, laxative

Mood elevator

Antioxidants, anti cancer, anti diabetes, premature aging.

Anti stress, anti depressant.


You will need:

Spoonful of cocoa
two or three spoonfuls of honey
(you may have to experiment with the right combination)
Stir into mug with hot/boiling water.

Healthy Hot Chocolate!!

The Hot chocolate you buy in the shops is heavily processed and has no nutritional value, it also often contains whey powder which will make you put on weight and can cause swelling over your entire body.
Whey powder is in most packaged foods now, is highly addictive and my advice is to avoid it.
To you health and wealth....

'Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food'

Friday 25 March 2011

How to prepare mangoes.

Dear followers,

I am sorry I haven't been blogging recently, I came to Vietnam last month and I haven't had a kitchen until now (but still not a very good kitchen and without half the things I would like) but the food here is interesting and the fruits especially, so learning lots of new things.

Today we're are going to learn how to prepare mangoes properly! ...I ate six mangoes today.
Mangoes are a 'hot food' according to Ayurvedic medicine, which means they are great for energy and will wake you up!

Hold the mango with the pointy side facing.
Find the angle where the sides are flattest.
Slice down slowly, you should feel you are next to the stone.

Do on each side so you have almost two halves.
Slice down and across, making square shapes, taking care not to go through the skin.
Push the sides back a bit so the mango looks like this...

You can then slice out the squares from the peel quite easily.
Peel the rind off the remaining part and slice away any fruit from the sides.

I love to eat mango by itself but you can add them to smoothies or fruit salads as well! :-)

Saturday 5 February 2011

Berry smoothie.

Great for a snack, breakfast or have before any meal...

Blend yogurt, teaspoon of honey and some fresh (or frozen) berries.


Tuesday 1 February 2011

Make your own muesli.


Coconut oil
Oats (porridge or jumbo oats)
Flaked almonds
Copped hazelnuts
Broken walnuts
Pumpkin seeds
Dried apricots, diced
Dates (soak for 30 mins minimum beforehand)

Melt one or two tablespoons of coconut oil and half honey to coconut oil.

Add the oats:

And the rest:

Make sure the mixture is dry enough, add more oats and nuts at the end to ensure it's the right consistency.

Take a large baking tray and pour in the mixture, do not flatten down make sure it's broken up.

Put in the oven on 160 for approx 15 - 20 mins or until slightly brown.

Wait until cool and then store in an air tight jar:

And enjoy for breakfast :-)